USD Conference Systems, Theology International Conference 2024

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Thang Quoc Phan

Last modified: 2024-03-18



Looking at the history of human development as well as the world situation or the social reality of each country today, we can easily recognize the importance of religion in the spiritual life of people and its positive contribution to society. However, there are also many serious conflicts originating from religion. Specifically, exclusive religion is one of the causes that disrupts harmony between religions causing serious, long-lasting conflicts or even wars. Although this is a difficult problem, it doesn't mean it is impossible to overcome. The Catholic Church is one of the proofs of that through harmonious and mutually developed relationships between the church and many other religions. What did the Church do to achieve such achievements? That is what the author wants to share in this small research. Within the scope of this short research article, the author will apply the analysis-synthesis research method, and data collection techniques using a method based on reference research with a descriptive and historical approach from many researches related to the topic of the discussion to understand the problem of religious exclusivity as the root cause of the problem and to propose an appropriate Catholic theology as a solution for inter-religious harmony. The author believes this will help mand the rifts in relationships between religions, heal the scars from past conflicts to become more harmonious and support each other to carry out a “pilgrimage” together to the Supreme Being, true happiness, the purpose of this life.


Religion, exclusive religion, religion exclusivity, theology of interreligious dialogue, interreligious dialogue.