USD Conference Systems, Undergraduate Conference (UC) 2022

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The Effects of Digilect in English Language Use: Literatur Review
Eka Septian Yunistya

Last modified: 2022-07-22


The rapid changes in technology have given a lot of contributions to the development of human lives. And language is part of it. Language is a vital aspect of human life, especially in communication.  This article entitled “The Effects of Digilect in English Language Use: Literature Review” aims to investigate whether the use of social media influences the use of language in a conversation. Some words might not be written in the dictionaries yet, but people might have been using them a lot. The researches for this article are done by reviewing some journal articles and website articles. The findings show that how people interact in social media has brought impacts on the use of a language and has created a new digital dialect.



dialect, digilect, internet, neologism, social media