USD Conference Systems, Undergraduate Conference (UC) 2022

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Anindhita Hemasayu

Last modified: 2022-12-21


There are so many languages around the globe. Even when we searched it on google bar, we will find different results on the number of languages that exists in the world. The huge amounts of languages brought us the question of ‘how is it possible that language can be different from one area to another and how can we connect people through the language differences?’. Well, to answer this question, literacy about history and language evolvement needs to be done. As expected, the answer lies in human evolvement because the time people evolved, people traveled to other area as well. Humans journey to other continents brought to a realization that there are many languages that is different than theirs and their vernacular will not be much help to come in contact with local people of that continent. They started to use pidgins to ease the communication and when they finally understand some languages used by the locals, they finally use it as the bridge of communication and it works as the lingua franca.


Human evolvement, Lingua Franca, Pidgins, Travel, Vernacular.

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