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ELT through Think Pair Share on Writing Skill at the Eighth Grade Students In Mts N 8 Banyuwangi in Academic Year 2022/2023
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Last modified: 2023-07-31


This research was conducted in the eighth grade (H) of MTs N 8 Banyuwangi in the academic year 2022/2023 which consisted of 29 students. This research was conducted by looking at the various problems and difficulties of students, this research was conducted with various obstacles in learning English in writing skills, in this study examined the use of the TPS method in learning writing skills. The TPS strategy was developed from cooperative research and waiting time. This TPS method gives students time to think about answers to questions or problems that will be given by the teacher. Students help each other in solving the problem with their respective abilities. After that explained or elaborated in the classroom. Think pair share was originally developed by Lyman. The purpose of writing this thesis is to describe ELT through think pair share on writing skills at the eighth grade students in Mts N 8 Banyuwangi in the academic year 2022/2023.

The design of this research is to use descriptive qualitative research because in this research the observers collected the data, made an analysis, and made a conclusion. Descriptive Qualitative method is a qualitative approach where the researcher observes people's lives and invites one or more of them to share tales about their lives. The researcher will then frequently recount or restore this data into a narrative timeline (Creswell, 2009). Which to obtain data, researchers conducted observations, interviews and documentation. Therefore this research is intended to describe how teachers teach writing skills using the Think Pair Share method in eighth grade (H) MTs N 8 Banyuwangi.

And from the results of this study Think Pair Share is a very appropriate method for learning writing skills because by using this method The impact of used this method can change the mindset of students about the difficulty of learning English especially in writing skills, in this method can Improve students' thinking power, provide time to think to improve the quality of student responses, students become more active in thinking about the concepts in the subject, students understand more about the concept of the topic of the lesson during the discussion, students can learn from other students, each student in the group has the opportunity to share or convey their ideas.


Key Words: TPS, Writing skill, ELT


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