Open Conference Systems, UNDERGRADUATE CONFERENCE 2024

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Aprilia Dyah Kriswinahyu, Markus Budiraharjo

Date: 2024-05-31 10:35 AM – 12:35 PM
Last modified: 2024-05-31


Given the highly complex and dynamic nature of the 21st century job market, critical thinking skills are deemed to be a pressing need for students. English teachers are required to encourage a more holistic teaching goal which encompasses the 4Cs (communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity). This paper is set to report a study on how project-based learning through podcast-making was done among 60 second-semester students of the ELESP, who attended Intermediate Listening and Speaking classes. Using the sequential explanatory mixed-method, this study reveals that the students demonstrated a higher level of engagement in critical thinking skills. Students became aware of the differences between facts and opinions to put in the podcasts to be published to a large audience. To incorporate information and data into their podcasts while achieving the prescribed assessment standards, students checked dan validated the information from various sources to be able to present reliable information about a particular topic. Given the value or worth of podcast-making as project-based learning, it is recommended that lecturers utilize the teaching and learning procedure as the core component of the curriculum, not merely an add-on offered by the end of a class.