USD Conference Systems, Seminar Nasional Sosial dan Humaniora

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Yosep Bambang, Kristophorus Migkoyan Eko Ardianata

Last modified: 2023-06-05


The concept of divinity in Balinese Hinduism came from the idea of ​​God developed in India, which the Indians brought to Bali in the past. There are different in the practice of the teachings which are colored by local wisdom. This paper was made through library research method. The purpose of this article is to obtain a clearer understanding of the divinity in Balinese Hinduism. This article will describe the development of the divinity in Balinese Hinduism, which was originally another variant of Hinduism originating from India and have an encounter with Bali’s culture. Through this development, Balinese Hinduism have their own color and patterns. Furthermore, there are explanation about apellation of the Almighty as the One or often called Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa. The concept of God Balinese Hinduism corresponding with Saguna Brahman concept. All of this leads to human knowledge of God which can be known in Tri Hita Karana. Knowledge about God and possibilities to relate to Him start the respect through the ritual form of Bhakti Marga. Therefore, many culture or ritual in Bali showing that Balinese Hinduism is a local religion that has a an own patterns from Indian Hinduism.



Balinese Hinduism, Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa, Saguna Brahman, Tri Hita Karana, Bhakti Marga, monotheistic