USD Conference Systems, Seminar Nasional Sosial dan Humaniora

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The Application of CT in Cultural Diversity Topic for 4th Grade Class of SDN Gedongtengen
Ihsan Hidayatulloh, Petri Handayani, Chiristiyanti Aprinastuti

Last modified: 2023-06-05


The rapid development of technology demands human adaptability to change. Looking at the current facts, education in Indonesia still ranks relatively low globally. According to the World Population Review 2022 data, education in Indonesia is ranked 54th out of 78 countries. This is far from ideal, therefore strategies are needed to improve the quality of education in Indonesia to compete globally. The application of Computational Thinking is an approach aimed at enhancing students' abilities to think independently, critically, and creatively. Computational Thinking skills enable students to practice logical thinking in problem formulation, problem-solving, system design, understanding basic concepts in computer science, and fostering creative and flexible thinking. The aim of this research is to assess students' computational thinking skills in the subject of cultural diversity at the elementary school level. The research method used is descriptive research. The research procedure involves observing general learning activities and analyzing students' worksheet completion, which are then described and analyzed. The research findings indicate that the 4th-grade students in SDN Gedongtengen have been able to apply two foundations of computational thinking, namely pattern recognition and abstraction.