USD Conference Systems, Seminar Nasional Sosial dan Humaniora

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The Role Of Accompanyers In The Faith Development Of Younth In Santa Maria Assumpta Parish Klaten
Florentina Arum Wulandari

Last modified: 2023-09-14


The companion has an important role in accompanying the faith of young people. This is the background for the writer to choose a research theme. How does the companion play a role in shaping the identity of young people through the mentoring model that has been used so far? The "accompanied role" by Pope Francis in Christus Vivit (2019) becomes the main framework in the author's thought. The author uses a descriptive qualitative research method with a naturalistic design. Data was collected from document review, observation, and interviews. Pope Francis in Christus Vivit explained "The pastoral care of young people needs to be more flexible and invite young people to participate in various events that provide space not only for learning, but allow them to share life, have fun, sing, listen to real testimonies and experience a community encounter with God the living". The facilitator that has been carried out so far at Maria Assumpta Klaten Parish uses lecture models, questions and answers and actions in certain activities. The author makes OMK and OMK assistants the main informants in the research conducted. From the data obtained, it shows that faith accompaniment in parishes, stations and regions already has companions. The role of companion is already there but their role is not maximized. Based on these facts, the authors argue that the Church needs to provide faith facilitator using a model that supports all young people to be involved, such as catechism with digital media.


Facilitator, accompanying role, Catholic Youth, digital catechesis