USD Conference Systems, Seminar Nasional Sosial dan Humaniora

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Antonius Tri Priantoro

Last modified: 2023-09-14


A phenomenological study has been carried out on the potential role of community leaders in education in Asmat District. This study is an activity in the School Mobilization Community Program as a USD response to development disparities in the education sector between regions in Indonesia, especially in the Asmat Regency, Papua. It is suspected that this is because there is inequality in the distribution of teachers in several elementary schools in rural villages. In addition, parents and people in the hinterland do not support school activities, which have a schedule of activities that are not in line with their daily lifestyle of earning a living by hunting and are forced to take their children with them even if they have to leave school.The study in Asmat district in the first year aims to identify problems and needs for primary school education in several districts; selecting educational solution strategies in these districts; and the follow-up plans. In the second year this study focused on supporting the teaching community leaders program, namely building awareness of community leaders to teach in schools; evaluating the teaching program; conduct reflection on implementation to identify problems and their solutions; and building commitment from community leaders. This activity is carried out through Focus Group Discussions (FGD), demonstrations/teaching practices, and reflection. Data were analysed qualitatively. Based on the studies that have been conducted, the results indicated that community leaders have begun to recognize the educational problems faced by elementary schools concerning the attendance of students, teachers and principals; school facilities and infrastructure. The leaders were happy that they were starting to be involved in overcoming educational problems in their area, which so far had never been involved. They are committed to getting involved in advancing education in their area. One of the things that was then done was to teach local materials of cultural arts content for intra-curricular or extra-curricular forms. Through this activity it is hoped that it can help overcome the inequality of teachers and increase public awareness of the importance of education while preserving Asmat arts and culture.


Asmat, community leaders, local materials, phenomenology