International Conference on Sustainable Natural Products in Healthcare
Welcome to ICSNPH 2025
The Faculty of Pharmacy Sanata Dharma University proudly presents the International Conference on Sustainable Natural Products in Healthcare (ICSNPH) 2025 as part of our 30th Anniversary celebration. This prestigious conference brings together researchers, practitioners, and industry professionals to explore innovative approaches in natural product development and their implementation in healthcare.
The growing interest in natural products within the healthcare sector has created new opportunities for developing safer and more sustainable therapeutic solutions. This conference aims to address the challenges in transitioning from laboratory research to clinical applications through interdisciplinary collaboration among biotechnology, pharmacy, chemistry, biology, and health sciences professionals.
In alignment with Indonesia's healthcare transformation goals and the emphasis on accessible healthcare services, ICSNPH 2025 provides a platform for innovative ideas and breakthroughs in developing natural products as part of national health independence.
Conference Theme
"Interdisciplinary Approaches from Lab. to Clinical Breakthroughs"
This theme emphasizes the importance of bridging laboratory research with clinical applications through multidisciplinary collaboration, focusing on sustainable natural products in healthcare.
Distinguished Speakers
Keynote Speaker
Dr. apt. Dra. L. Rizka Andalusia, M.Pharm., MARS
Director General for Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices – Ministry of Health of Republic of Indonesia
Plenary Speakers
- Prof. Dr. Tin Wui Wong
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia - Asst. Prof. Chanuttha Ploylearmsang, Ph.D.
Mahasarakham University, Thailand - Ir. Ferry A. Soetikno, M.Sc., MBA
PT Dexa Medica, Indonesia
Parallel Session Speakers
- Prof. Raymond R. Tjandrawinata, Ph.D.
PT Dexa Medica, Indonesia - Dr. apt. Yosef Wijoyo, M.Si.
Sanata Dharma University, Indonesia
Conference Date and Venue
Date: Friday, June 13th, 2025
Time: 08.00 AM (Western Indonesian Time)
Venue: The Alana Hotel & Convention Center, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Abstract Section Categories
- Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Biomedical Sciences
- Public Health and Clinical Science
- Social Behavioral Administrative and Health Education
- Nursing, Midwifery, and Others
All registered participants will receive an e-certificate, along with the opportunity to have their work included in the conference's e-proceedings.

International Conference on Applied Sciences and Smart Technologies
2nd InCASST 2025 (International Conference on Applied Sciences and Smart Technologies) will be held on October 15th, 2025 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia on hybrid mode. The theme of this conference is "Innovating for Sustainability: Digitalization, Green Energy, and Achieving Energy Independence for a Greener Future". We would like to invite researchers and practitioners in the fields of applied Mathematics, Electrical Engineering, Informatics, and Mechanical Engineering.
The 2nd International Conference on Mathematics, its Application, and Mathematics Education (ICMAME) 2024
The 2nd International Conference on Mathematics, its Applications, and Mathematics Education (ICMAME) 2024 will be held at Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, on 21 September 2024. Selected papers of this conference will be published in ITM Web of Conferences indexed in Google Scholar, DOAJ, Clarivate Analytics, Proquest, while other accepted presented papers will be published in Indonesian journals indexed in SINTA (Science and Technology Index) 2 (Barekeng) and 3 (Jupitek).
Seminar Nasional Sanata Dharma Berbagi
“Pendidikan Masa Depan”
Latar Belakang
“Sains adalah Seperangkat Bahasa atau Peta Untuk Memahami Secara Kritis Realitas Yang Kompleks”
(M. Sastrapratedja)
Manusia dipahami oleh Rama Sastrapratedja sebagai makhluk historis yang bersifat kontekstual. Namun, manusia tidak semata – mata merupakan kumpulan perilaku aktual yang bersifat datum. Manusia juga memiliki potensi – potensi bawaan. Manusia terwujud melalui transformasi atas semua potensi kemanusiaannya melalui interaksi dengan kosmosnya. Pada saat yang sama, proses transformasi itu dipengaruhi oleh kosmos yang manusia ikut kembangkan juga, sehingga Pendidikan merupakan hal yang penting bagi seorang manusia.
Pendidikan dalam perspektif Rama Sastrapratedja merupakan proses pemanusiaan yang terus menerus. Proses ini mencakup semua dimensi kemanusiaan seseorang pada tataran individu dan sosial. Pendidikan juga mensyaratkan terbangunnya visi kehidupan seseorang. Melalui visi ini tergambar watak, karakter dan wawasan pada konteks keberadaannya. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa Pendidikan merupakan upaya yang sangat dinamis dan memiliki aspek profetik.
Salah satu gagasan yang dibagikan oleh Rama Sastrapratedja sebagai pendidik adalah kompleksitas yang perlu disadari dan diperlakukan sebagai realitas, di antaranya adalah isu-isu besar yang kontekstual, seperti: Artificial Intelligence (AI) dan berbagai peluang akses berbagai teknologi yang ada saat ini. Kompleksitas ini membawa implikasi pada aneka hal. Konsep universitas tidak lagi relevan karena menempatkan civitas academica sebagai pembangun pengetahuan. Multiversitas yang melibatkan lebih banyak unsur perlu terlibat dalam membangun pengetahuan yang merupakan demokratisasi pengetahuan. Pendekatan non tradisional dengan melibatkan aneka elemen dalam pengetahuan, seni dan budaya menjadi relevan dalam mengembangkan perguruan tinggi yang semakin berdampak. Dalam praksis Pendidikan, multidimensionalisme perlu dihargai untuk mewujudkan Pendidikan yang mampu mentransformasi intelektual, moral, dan religiusitas.
Kompleksitas realitas merupakan ruang yang terbuka bagi kerjasama aneka ilmu, pendekatan, seni dan budaya. Kolaborasi yang didorong oleh kesediaan untuk saling menghargai dan berbagi menjadi aspek penting untuk mencari solusi dalam menjawab aneka tantangan yang mendesak pada masa kini. Perubahan iklim, keadilan, kecerdasan buatan merupakan sebagian tantangan tersebut. Kegagalan menanggapi hal – hal tersebut dapat membawa kepada musnahnya kehidupan manusia di bumi ini.
Refleksi kritis multiversitas hendak ditawarkan untuk dikaji dalam seminar untuk mengenang Rm. M. Sastrapratedja, SJ. Interdisiplinaritas dan demokratisasi pengetahuan yang melampaui bidang – bidang konvensional dapat menjadi kajian baru yang memberi tawaran segar bagi solusi tantangan kemanusiaan masa kini.
Ruang Lingkup
Seminar dilakukan dalam bentuk multisimposium dengan ruang lingkup yang meliputi (namun tidak terbatas) :
- Kajian seni dan budaya
- Kajian bahasa, sastra, dan linguistik
- Kajian filsafat dan teologi
- Kajian sains dan etno sains
- Kajian matematika dan etnomatematika
- Kajian teknologi dan etnoteknologi
- Kajian ekonomi dan sirkular ekonomi
- Kajian biologi dan ekologi
- Kajian Pendidikan
- Kajian post human teknologi (AI, Ilmu kesehatan)
- Kajian psikologi dan neurosains
Selain itu, diselenggarakan juga simposium yang secara khusus dikelola dan desikasikan pada minat studi yang tengah berkembang di USD, antara lain:
- STAMP – Artati : Smart Technology for Ancient Manuscript Preservation
- Tim UB: SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)
Tangga Penting
- Batas Pengumpulan Abstrak: 13 Juli 2024 20 Juli 2024
- Pengumuman Penerimaan Abstrak: 20 Juli 2024 30 Juli 2024
- Batas Pengumpulan Full Paper: 20 Agustus 2024
- Batas Pengumuman Artikel Lengkap Diterima: 7 September 2024
- Batas Pengumpulan Presentasi: 10 September 2024
- Seminar: 20 September 2024
- Batas pengumpulan revisi artikel lengkap: 3 Oktober 2024
Luaran kegiatan seminar ini berupa Prosiding ber-ISSN dan selected paper yang akan diterbitkan dalam jurnal USD.
Jurnal terbitan USD yang akan berkolaborasi dan dilibatkan dalam seminar ini adalah jurnal-jurnal nasional yang terindeks SINTA:
- LLT Journal: A Journal on Language and Language Teaching - Terindeks Scopus
- Journal of Language and Literature (JOLL) – Sinta 2
- International Journal of Humanity Studies (IJHS) – Sinta 3
- IJIET (International Journal of Indonesian Education and Teaching) – Sinta 4
- Jurnal Teologi (Journal of Theology) – Sinta 4
- Sintesis – Sinta 4
- Journal of Asian Orientation in Theology (JAOT) – Sinta 4
- Indonesian Journal of English Language Studies (IJELS) – Sinta 4
- UC Journal: ELT, Linguistics and Literature Journal – Sinta 4
International Conference on Economics, Business, and Management Research (ICEBMR)
About the Conference
Faculty of Economics, Sanata Dharma University, Indonesia is pleased to host: The 3rd International Conference on Economics, Business and Management Research (ICEBMR) 2024. The theme of the conference is "Navigating the Blue Economy: Sustainable Development Goals and Trends in Economics, Business, Management, and Information Technology". The Blue Economy refers to sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods, and jobs while preserving the health of ocean ecosystems. The United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide a comprehensive framework for addressing global challenges, including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace, and justice. The conference is designed to discuss the importance of interdisciplinary research, innovation and its role in overall growth and sustainability of societies and countries. We invite scholars, researchers, practitioners, and students to join us and share new innovative studies and trends. We expect to obtain various inputs and findings that can provide insights for policy makers and businesses, as both aim for sustainable development and the well-being of present and future generations.
Conference Main Tracks
Papers presenting research results as well as pedagogical, survey, business or community experiences on the following topics (but not limited to) are welcome:
- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- Marketing and Green Business
- Responsible Consumption and Production
- ESG and Sustainability
- Sustainable/Green Finance and Practices
- Sustainable Operation and Supply Chains
- Eco-Tourism and Sustainable Tourism
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Stakeholder Engagement
- Social Business, Entrepreneurship, and Family Business
- Circular Economy Principles
- Economic Growth and Poverty Alleviation
- Applying New ICT Tools for Business
- Business Management, International Business and Legal Studies
- Digital Innovations in Business and Economy
- Public Accounting, Financial Accounting
- Accounting Information Systems
- Behavioral and Management Accounting
- Corporate Governance and Forensic Accounting
- Strategic Management and Organizational Behavior
- Human Resources Management and Leadership
- Impact of AI on HR
- Other issues
Papers of this conference will be published in the Proceeding of ICEBMR (ISSN 3032-596X) and the Best Presenters will receive award certificates.
Important Dates
- Abstract Submission Deadline: April 25, 2024 May 1, 2024
- Accepted Abstract Notification: April 28, 2024 May 4, 2024
- Full Paper Submission Deadline: May 11, 2024
- Acceptance Notification: May 18, 2024
- PPT Submission Deadline: May 20, 2024
- Conference Date: May 25, 2024
- Revised Full Paper Submission Deadline: May 28, 2024

Seminar Nasional Filsafat dan Teologi Kontekstual

Seminar Nasional Seni dan Budaya
“Poshuman dan Interdisiplinaritas”
Poshuman lahir dari sebuah situasi bahwa manusia didorong ke batas – batas yang sebelumnya tidak pernah dijumpai. Manusia menjadi perlu mempertanyakan kemanusiaannya karena perkembangan teknologi yang sangat pesat yang memberikan kemampuan augmentasi teknologi pada manusia. Bahkan augmentasi teknologi ini dapat melebihi batas – batas biologis dan mental manusia. Pada saat yang sama, kesadaran akan eksistensi manusia yang terancam dalam perubahan iklim global, perubahan anthroposen juga membuatnya perlu bertanya tentang kemanusiaan yang menempatkan dirinya sebagai pusat dari gagasan kemanusiaan. Dalam anthroposentrisme, manusia dengan kemanusiaannya adalah pusat gagasan. Namun, konsekuensi menempatkan dirinya tidak lagi sebagai pusat telah berimplikasi yang sangat serius pada eksistensinya sendiri.Perubahan pusat gagasan dan hilangnya batas – batas mengakibatkan perubahan yang sangat signifikan terhadap budaya yang menaungi perkembangan manusia. Budaya sebagai sistem dan struktur yang membentuk manusia kehilangan jangkar yang memberi pijakan atas basis – basis metode yang berkembang selama ini. Norma – norma yang berakar pada tradisi maupun konsep – konsep yang ada sebelumnya menjadi semakin kabur. Sekalipun demikian, tidak semua pijakan menjadi tidak relevan karena kepentingan praktis eksistensi manusia. Penataan ulang pijakan – pijakan budaya menjadi perlu untuk dilakukan untuk memberikan kepastian bagi berkembangnya budaya yang relevan dalam menjawab pertanyaan tentang kemanusiaan dan eksistensinya.Refleksi kritis atas budaya dengan kacamata poshuman ditawarkan dalam Sanata Berbagi kali ini. Refleksi ini diharapkan memberikan orientasi atas situasi tanpa pijakan bagi bertumbuhnya budaya yang lebih memberikan kemungkinan eksistensi manusia dalam tantangan perubahan iklim yang juga menjadi tantangan dalam mendorong poshuman. Materialisasi budaya dalam wujud seni juga layak untuk dikaji ulang agar mampu memberikan jalan yang dapat diterima dalam membantu manusia mengarungi tantangan biologis dan non biologisnya.
- Menyediakan ruang untuk memproduksi pengetahuan dan mendeseminasikan karya ilmiah dosen dan mahasiswa, baik di internal maupun eksternal USD.
- Menjadi wahana berbagi gagasan untuk pengembangan budaya baru yang lebih relevan dan kontekstual.
- Menghadirkan wacana pengetahuan bagi masyarakat luas.
- Kajian seni dan budaya.
- Kajian bahasa, sastra, dan linguistik.
- Kajian filsafat dan teologi.
- Kajian etnomatematika, etnosains, dan etnoteknologi.
- Kajian ekonomi.
- Kajian biologi dan ekologi.
- Kajian pendidikan.
- Kajian poshuman teknologi (AI, Ilmu kesehatan).
- Kajian psikologi.
Batas Pengumpulan Abstrak : 7 September 2023 Diperpanjang 17 September 2023Pengumuman Penerimaan Abstrak : 12 September 2023 Diperpanjang 22 September 2023
Batas Pengumpulan Artikel Lengkap : 8 Oktober 2023
Batas Pengumpulan Revisi Artikel Lengkap : 20 Oktober 2023
Batas Pengumpulan Presentasi : 25 Oktober 2023
Hari Seminar : 28 Oktober 2023
- Semua artikel dalam seminar ditulis dalam Bahasa Indonesia.
- Semua Artikel yang diterima (setelah review) akan diterbitkan pada prosiding ber-ISBN.
*Artikel Terpilih (Selected Paper) akan diterbitkan pada Jurnal-Jurnal USD
- Suksma: Jurnal Psikologi Universitas Sanata Dharma
- Bandar Maulana: Jurnal Sejarah Kebudayaan
- Divinitas: Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi Kontekstual
- Historia Vitae: Seri Pengetahuan dan Pengajaran Sejarah
- Retorik: Jurnal Ilmu Humaniora
- Journal of Asian Orientation in Theology (JAOT) - Bahasa Inggris
- International Journal of Humanity Studies (IJHS) - Bahasa Inggris
- Indonesian Journal of English Language Studies - Bahasa Inggris
The 3rd APTIK International Conference 2023
The COVID-19 lockdown appears to end, and now the “new vision” of living must be prepared in order to face our future. Indeed, the COVID-19 was just one out of the bulk of crisis torturing us, however it has already forced and pushed almost all parts of this Earth into a totally “new experience.” All activities had to break to stay alive for lockdown. They have had to wait and see what the next to undergo is. Even, some may signify that’s about the time for us to be silent and muse of our previously bad conducts. Meanwhile, APTIK’s concern with “environment and poverty,” which has been implemented in the two international conferences in 2018 (by the topic of “Resilience in Poverty Alleviation and Environmental Mitigation”) and in 2020 (“A Sustainable Recovery for People and the Environment”), is still the fruitful flame for contributing the establishment of a better world for all. It means the show must go on. Our certainty is that the COVID-19, therefore, is just a phenomenon disturbing, but not stopping, APTIK’s will to position human dignity among the evil disruptions towards environment and the good efforts of minimizing poverty. What we need then is about sensitivity on justice, solidarity, and open vision.
Father General Arturo Sosa, SJ, as cited by Pedro Walpole, strongly emphasized that injustice is still the greater virus ( The destructions of environment and ignorant deeds about poverty have been the phenomena, culturally and not naturally, and the struggles of overcoming them are obviously compulsory. The more powerful individual/s and groups must absolutely understand that those have been caused by the exercises of uncontrolled injustice. “This sister now cries out to us because of the harm we have inflicted on her by our irresponsible use and abuse of the goods with which God has endowed her.” (Laudato Si, francesco/en/encyclicals/documents/papa-francesco_20150524_enciclica-laudato-si.html). Lack of solidarity is also the painful destiny occurring in this present civilization, called the most advanced modern world. In order to mitigate the worst, the need of community solidarity is prominent, by the myth that everyone is kin (Kotakk, 2015, 198). However, since our civilization is continuing to undergo changes, it is a great hope that they would be in the context of improving human quality and dignity, and the emphasis on the importance of justice and solidarity is the priority. It means open vision is the ideal method or approach how to establish a better world for all, and in accordance with APTIK’s concern, the new vision must be structured together with the World’s struggles to overcome environmental violences and poverty. The newness of vision is prominent since the last hardships given by the COVID-19 have successfully struck any aspects of human life, including the common vision’s perspectives dealing with the fights against injustice and anti-solidarity. It may involve technological advancements, health options, law breakthroughs, behavioural discretions, and any other conversions.
Indonesia, who was successful in standing as the presidency of G20 last year, at present is aiming at the new national capital, called IKN, in East Kalimantan. Interestingly, the first principle, out of 8, in building it is about “the agreement with nature,” as delivered “Designed according to Nature”( The government really understands that the position of nature, i.e. environment, is prominent and ultimate to support the future Indonesian livings, and consequently nature stands as the first element to consider. This idea seems to counter the present condition of Jakarta, having complicated hardships dealing with, especially, environment or nature.
Therefore, how to improve and sharpen human sensitivity is the important question or problem for those interested in the better World. Any notions, suggestions, concepts, and contributions to create, or at least to imagine, it are waited. Our vocation of being the participants to save our Earth will be concrete later in the 3rd APTIK International Conference, hosted by Universitas Sanata Dharma, next September 2023 in Yogyakarta.
As the organization of bringing the spirit of Christianity, especially among the members, APTIK aims to provide opportunity those to share the spirit in and by the same flame. Moreover, disturbed by the problems on “environment and poverty” all are invited to deliver their ideas and suggestions to take part in solving them in in building the better World for all to stay. This international conference is also to prepare forum for those coming from any parts of the world to share and discuss their ideas, so the conference really represents our open vision about the new World.
Important Dates
- Abstract submission deadline : 24 Aug 2023
- Abstract acceptance notification : 31 Aug 2023
- Participant registration/payment : 24 July – 4 Sept 2023
- Conference date : Friday/8 Sept & Saturday/9 Sept 2023
- Full-paper submission deadline. : 30 September 2023 (after the Conference)
Graduate Student Conference
In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, artificial intelligence (AI) has transformed how humans communicate, interpret meaning, and interact. As AI-driven technologies, such as chatbots, virtual assistants, and machine translation systems, become more sophisticated, they challenge traditional notions of pragmatics by reshaping contextual meaning, implicatures, and speech acts. This conference explores the intersection of AI and pragmatics, investigating how technological advancements influence human interaction, language processing, and discourse strategies in various communicative settings.
With the theme “Pragmatics in the Age of AI: How Technology Shapes Meaning and Interaction,” this graduate student conference provides an opportunity for emerging scholars to discuss the implications of AI on pragmatic theories and real-world communication. We aim to foster an interdisciplinary dialogue that bridges linguistics, artificial intelligence, and digital communication studies. This event will offer critical insights into the evolving dynamics of meaning-making in an AI-mediated world through engaging presentations and discussions.
Purpose and Objective
The objectives of implementing this activity include the following.
- Foster understanding and exploration of the impact of AI on pragmatics, emphasizing how technology shapes meaning and interaction in contemporary communication.
- Facilitate discussions among graduate students on the evolving relationship between AI and pragmatics, encouraging interdisciplinary insights and critical engagement with emerging trends in language and technology.
Theme and Sub-Themes
“Pragmatics in the Age of AI: How Technology Shapes Meaning and Interaction” will cover a range of themes, including, but not limited to:
- AI-Powered Language Learning Platforms
- AI and Language Education Policies
- The Role of Language in Social Movements and Activism
- Language Policy, National Identity, and Linguistic Imperialism
- Language Evolution in the Digital Era
- AI in Plot Development and Narrative Coherence
- Pragmatic Transfer in Multilingual Digital Interactions
- Other relevant Topics in Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, and Literature.
Call for Papers
- Presenters are requested to submit an abstract or full-paper draft.
- Presenters (both individual and team) can only submit one paper.
- Selected papers will be published in Graduate Students Conference 2025 Proceedings and International Journal of English Language Studies (IJELS) (Optional)
- The presenters open from undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral.
- Submission guidelines
Important Dates
- Abstract submission deadline : March 7, 2025
- Abstract acceptance : March 14, 2025
- Full paper submission : April 7, 2025
- Participant registration deadline : May 19, 2025
- Conference day : May 26, 2025
- Full paper submission deadline : June 10, 2025
Contribution of Conference Participants
- Universitas Sanata Dharma (USD) students : Free
- Non-USD presenter : Rp. 200.000,-
- In-person participant : Rp. 100.000,-
- Online participant : Free
For Registration
Bank Account : BRI 032401032507509 a/n Febrila Kristi Valentina
Seminar Nasional Sosial dan Humaniora
"Mengembangkan Kehidupan Berbangsa Yang Lebih Beradab"
Latar Belakang
Kehidupan bangsa yang beradab di zaman ini ditandai oleh kemajuan masyarakat dalam berpikir kritis, berinovasi secara kreatif, dan berelasi secara harmonis-dinamis-kolaboratif. Istilah harmonis menggambarkan ekosistem kemajemukan yg tetap terjaga, dinamis menggambarkan sikap dan gerakan utk terus memaknai pengalaman keharmonisan agar tidak beku dan mandeg, kolaboratif menggambarkan sikap keterbukaan untuk bergotong-royong secara sinergis ibterdisipliner dalam membangun peradaban.
Dalam konteks Indonesia yang plural, kehidupan bangsa yang beradab dapat juga dimaknai sebagai kehidupan yang di dalamnya keberagaman dan perbedaan dapat dikelola dengan baik sehingga terjadi sinergi, kolaborasi, dan produktivitas tanpa harus berkonflik. Keberagaman dan perbedaan justru mampu dasar untuk mengembangkan sikap penghormatan akan budaya lain, pembelaan terhadap keadilan, dan penyuaraan kaum tertindas dan terabaikan sehingga tercipta harmoni sosial dan penghargaan terhadap martabat manusia.
Dalam membangun kehidupan bangsa yang beradab ini, masyarakat Indonesia perlu memulai dengan menghargai modalitas budaya yang telah dimiliki sendiri, bukan hasil internalisasi nilai-nilai budaya luar yang terkadang kurang kontekstual dan tidak berpihak. Pendidikan yang dijalankan dilakukan dengan pendekatan yang menitikberatkan pada proses dan tujuan relasi yang humanis. Kehidupan spiritualitas perlu dimaknai melalui perspektif teologi yang berpihak pada korban dan yang menyuarakan pihak-pihak yang lemah dan terpinggirkan secara nyata. Perspektif psikologis kehidupan sosial menitikberatkan pada pentingnya pluralitas, kualitas kesejahteraan individu-sosial, kolaborasi, dan harmoninya ekosistem alam dan sosial. Demikian juga bahasa, sastra, dan narasi sejarah perlu menjadi wahana inklusi, “voicing the voiceless”, dan meneriakkan kaum tertindas. Dengan demikian, membangun kehidupan berbangsa yang lebih beradab berarti membangun relasi sosial yang sehat dan penuh harmoni, mengembangkan kehidupan yang inklusif, menghargai keberagaman, mengembangkan spiritualitas yang berpihak pada korban, serta menyuarakan “the voiceless”.
Universitas Sanata Dharma (USD) sebagai salah satu perguruan tinggi yang menjunjung tinggi martabat manusia dan memiliki perhatian khusus terhadap kaum yang terpinggirkan bertekad untuk berpartisipasi dalam mengakomodasi serta membagikan berbagai pemikiran tentang bagaimana membangun kehidupan bermasyarakat dan berbangsa yang lebih beradab dan bermartabat. Untuk itu USD mengadakan seminar SADHAR BERBAGI 2023 dengan tema “Mengembangkan Kehidupan Berbangsa yang Lebih Beradab” dan mengundang akademisi, peneliti, mahasiswa, serta praktisi dari berbagai bidang ilmu-ilmu humaniora, terutama bidang pedagogi, psikologi, teologi, bahasa, sastra, serta sejarah budaya untuk berpartisipasi membagikan pemikiran serta gagasannya terkait tema tersebut.
- Menggali pemikiran tentang pendidikan, teologi, psikologi, bahasa, sastra, dan narasi sejarah yang manusiawi, inklusi, pluralis, kolaboratif, penuh harmoni, dan berpihak pada yang terpinggirkan menuju kehidupan bangsa yang lebih beradab
- Mengeksplorasi berbagai kemungkinan peran yang dapat dimainkan dan sumbangan yang dapat diberikan oleh bidang-bidang pendidikan, psikologi, teologi, bahasa, sastra, dan sejarah untuk kehidupan berbangsa yang lebih beradab
- Mengembangkan gagasan tentang pendidikan, teologi, psikologi, bahasa, sastra, dan narasi sejarah yang manusiawi, inklusi, pluralis, kolaboratif, penuh harmoni, dan berpihak pada yang terpinggirkan sebagai pertimbangan bagi kebijakan dalam perspektif makro serta kehidupan praktis di tingkat mikro
Ruang Lingkup
- Pedagogi
- Teologi
- Psikologi
- Bahasa
- Sastra
- Sejarah
Area Topik
- Pedagogi Humanis
- Pedagogi Reflektif
- Model dan metode pembelajaran
- Media Pembelajaran
- Bimbingan dan pendampingan siswa
- Tata Kelola Lembaga pendidikan
- Identitas dan pengembangan kompetensi guru
- Kurikulum
- Pendidikan Inklusif
- Pendidikan lingkungan hidup
- Teologi Kaum Tertindas
- Teologi Kontekstual
- Psikologi dan Harmoni Sosial
- Psikologi dan Inklusivitas
- Psikologi dan Pluralisme
- Psikologi dan Komunitas
- Psikologi dan Kepemimpinan Organisasi
- Sastra dan “The Voiceless”
- Sastra dan Kelompok Marginal
- Bahasa dan Ketertindasan
- Bahasa dan Inklusivitas
- Bahasa dan Pluralisme
- Narasi Sejarah Kaum Marginal
- Sejarah dan Pluralism
Tanggal Penting
- 26 Mei 2023 : Deadline abstrak
- 01 Juni 2023 : Pengumuman abstrak yang diterima
- 10 Juni 2023 : Deadline penerimaan naskah
- 05 - 24 Juni 2023 : Review Artikel
- 15 Juni 2023 : Hari Seminar
- 01 Juli 2023 : Pengumpulan naskah yang sudah direvisi
- 07 Agustus : Penerbitan prosiding
- Semua artikel dalam seminar ditulis dalam Bahasa Indonesia
- Semua Artikel yang diterima (setelah review) akan diterbitkan pada prosiding ber-ISBN
International Conference on Theology, Religion, Culture, and Humanities
The TheoIcon 2025 aims to examine the historical impact and contemporaryrelevance of the First Council of Nicea (325 CE) in Asian Christian contexts, interfaithdialogues, and theological developments. Two fundamental questions that arechallenging to be explored are: First, what was the dispute and historical legacy of theNicean Council? Second, which relevance would this council have especially whenChristian faith is faced with Asian challenges such as secularism, scientificdevelopment, intercultural and interreligious encounter and social problems?
International Conference on Intercultural Humanities
The International Conference on Intercultural Humanities aims to deepen collaboration between Sanata Dharma University and Sogang University, Korea, as members of the Association of Jesuit Universities and Colleges in Asia-Pacific (AJCU-AP). Participants and presenters of this conference are master and doctoral program students from various universities in different countries. The conference fosters enthusiasm for students to attend the conference.
[POSTPONED] International Conference on Research in Education
Due to some inevitable issues, the committee regretfully postponed the ICRE 2022 until further notice. Thank you for your understanding.
International Conference on Research in Education (ICRE) 2022
“Teacher Education in Learning Paradigm Shifts”
Technological and pedagogical innovations in education have changed the conventional learning environment to be more modern in order to achieve more optimal and time-responsive student competencies. This innovation forms a smart learning environment that appears in various forms, such as flexible, personal, adaptive, mixed, flipped, and mobile learning environments. This intelligent learning environment is defined as an environment that emphasizes flexibility, effectiveness, efficiency, and adaptability to new developments, and is lived by continuous reflection on learning processes and outcomes that integrate formal and informal learning. A smart learning environment is an adaptive system that improves and enhances the learning experience based on challenges, choices, progress, the use of multimodal media, and the empowerment of an abundance of learning resources and technologies.
Language and Language Teaching Conference (LLTC)
Dear LLTC 2024 full paper authors
Here are seven steps of how to upload your full paper:
1. Log in as an author using your username and password.
2. Click the track "Articles".
3. Complete the Conference Track, Session Type, Submission Checklist.
4. Upload the file (.doc, docx, or .rtf --- but NOT .pdf).
5. Enter the metadata.
6. Upload the supplementary files (if any).
7. Click "Finish Submission" to complete the process.
We are looking forward to receiving your full papers. Thank you.
LLTC 2024 Organizing Committee
The 11th Language and Language Teaching Conference (LLTC) 2024
Thursday and Friday, 7 and 8 November 2024
Dear educators,
The global pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus has had a disruptive and profound impact on English-language teaching. To reduce the spread of the virus, teachers and learners had to suspend in-person teaching and learning. This led to the widespread adoption of synchronous and asynchronous online teaching. Obviously, this period has led to immense challenges for teachers and students alike, but it has also provided a unique opportunity to understand the potential affordances of online teaching in English-language teaching.
LLTC has become an event of getting new perspectives from experts, researchers, and teaching practitioners in order to deal with the new face of language learning and teaching, linguistics and literature in local and universal contexts. Whether you are a teacher, a lecturer, a researcher, a coordinator, a manager, a material developer, a curriculum specialist, a student, or a professional who is interested in second language education, you are welcomed to participate in our 11th Language and Language Teaching International Conference 2024.
Literary Studies Conference
Literary Studies Conference (LSC) is the annual conference held in October by the Department of English Letters and the Graduate Program of English Studies, Universitas Sanata Dharma, Yogyakarta, Indonesia (in cooperation with Ateneo de Manila University, the Philippines). The topics covered in this conference include issues in language, literature, and culture.
Undergraduate Conference on ELT, Linguistics and Literature
The Undergraduate Conference (UC) on ELT, Linguistics, and Literature, which is also known as PBI UC, is annually organized by English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta.
The English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University is thrilled to announce the 11th Undergraduate Conference on “Triumph Tapestry: Empowering Learning, Tailored Teaching with Tech Brilliance.”
This year's conference focuses on exploring the effective use of technology in education. We invite undergraduate students to submit abstracts on innovative teaching practices and research findings that leverage technology to enhance the learning experience.
Topics of Interest (but not limited to):
- Current issues and innovations in ELT
- Current issues in English linguistics
- Current issues in English literature
- Other relevant topics
For further and latest information, check our instagram @uc.pbi.usd
Information for Authors/Presenters
The Undergraduate Conference on ELT, Linguistics and Literature
Abstract Submission Guidelines:
* Abstracts must be written in English and be no more than 300 words.
* Include the title, author(s)' names and affiliations, email address(es), and a short author biography.
* Submit abstracts in Microsoft Word format to the conference website:
Important Dates:
* Abstract submission deadline: May 8, 2024
* Notification of acceptance: May 14, 2024
We encourage undergraduate students to submit their abstracts and join us for this exciting conference!
How to create an author account? Well, why not try the five main steps below?
1. Visit the UC site:
2. Click on menu “Account” from the top of the page.
3. Fill in the author information to the provided fields.
4. Remember to check “Create account as: Author” (Check/mark the Author box).
5. Click on “Create” button. Your UC author account has been created.
Well done! :-))
Steps to Submit an Abstract for UC 2024 Hi fellow UC-ers! Hope the following steps to submit an abstract are helpful.
In Step 1 (START), do the following: 1) Select the conference track (Abstract for UC 2024). 2) Check all of the Submission Checklist. 3) Agree to the terms of Copyright Notice. 4) (Optional) Give comments for conference director. 5) Click “Save and continue”.
In Step 2 (ENTER METADATA), do the following to complete the metadata, for example: 1) Author’s profile. (can add more than 1 author; Order: first author, second author …) 2) Title, abstract and keywords (can copy and paste). 3) Click “Save and continue”.
In Step 3 (UPLOAD SUPPLEMENTARY FILES), do the following: 1) Choose/locate the submission file to upload. 2) Upload your abstract file in .doc, .docx or .rtf format (Use the UC abstract template). 3) Click “Save and continue”.
In Step 4 (CONFIRMATION): For confirmation, click the “finish” button.
Thank you for your abstract submission. UC e-conf: UNDERGRADUATE CONFERENCE 2024 ( |
Seminar Nasional Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (SNFKIP)

Perkembangan peradaban melaju begitu cepat, namun kemajuan tersebut menyisakan wilayah-wilayah yang tidak cukup menerima stimulan untuk berkembang. Pusat Data Desa Indonesia pada tahun 2019 mencatat 4.777 desa masuk dalam kategori desa tertinggal. Wacana tentang revolusi industri 4.0 dan masyarakat 5.0 cenderung menenggelamkan wacana masyarakat yang hidup di desa tertinggal yang hidup bergantung pada alam dan jauh dari hiruk-pikuk kemajuan teknologi.
Variabilitas perkembangan peradaban di Indonesia nampak sebagai garis kontinum kesenjangan dari masyarakat yang telah berada pada tahap kemajuan sampai masyarakat yang masih memiliki budaya berburu dan meramu. Faktor geografis dan belum meratanya infrastruktur tentu menjadi faktor yang turut mempengaruhi, namun pendidikan selalu menjadi faktor kunci untuk menciptakan mobilitas sosial vertikal.
Perlu kebijakan dan upaya nyata dalam melakukan percepatan pembangunan pendidikan bagi daerah-daerah tertinggal untuk mewujudkan kesetaraan dan keadilan. Berangkat dari kesadaran bahwa pendidikan merupakan faktor kunci dalam upaya mewujudkan masyarakat yang maju dan sejahtera maka pendidikan perlu diletakkan sebagai prioritas kebijakan nasional, regional, maupun ditingkat unit kerja.
Pengalaman menunjukkan bahwa penyelenggaraan pendidikan di daerah tertinggal merupakan masalah yang kompleks. Banyak kendala yang disebabkan oleh faktor internal dari masyarakat tersebut tetapi juga banyak faktor eksternal yang mempengaruhi. Dalam konteks inilah maka pengalaman, pemikiran, dan kebijakan dari berbagai pihak selalu menjadi hal yang berharga untuk dipelajari kembali.
Berangkat dari kesadaran tersebut Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sanata Dharma bermaksud untuk menyelenggarakan Seminar Nasional sebagai forum untuk saling belajar dalam menyelenggarakan pendidikan bagi masyarakat tertinggal. Seminar nasional yang diselenggarakan ini diharapkan dapat menghasilkan rekomendasi pendidikan bagi masyarakat di daerah tertinggal sehingga percepatan kemajuan daerah tertinggal dapat segera terjadi.
Topik Call of Paper :
- Kebijakan, kepemimpinan dan pengembangan profesionalitas guru di daerah 3T.
- Pendekatan, inovasi, dan model pendidikan bagi masyarakat daerah 3T.
- Pembelajaran, teknologi, dan praktik baik pendidikan bagi masyarakat daerah 3T.
- Manajemen pendidikan, kurikulum, hidden curriuculum bagi masyarakat daerah 3T.
Narasumber :
- Nadiem Anwar Makarim, B.A., M.B.A
- MY Esti Wjayati
- Saur Marlina Manurung, S.Ant.
- Kristosimus Yohanes Agawemu
- Eny Winarti, Ph.D.
a. Kebijakan, kepemimpinan dan pengembangan profesionalitas guru di daerah 3T.
b. Pendekatan, inovasi, dan model pendidikan bagi masyarakat daerah 3T.
c. Pembelajaran, teknologi, dan praktik baik pendidikan bagi masyarakat daerah 3T.
d. Manajemen pendidikan, kurikulum, hidden curriuculum bagi masyarakat daerah 3T.
Seminar Nasional FKIP 2018
Selamat datang di laman Seminar Nasional FKIP Universitas Sanata Dharma 2018!
Universitas Sanata Dharma perlu meningkatkan relevansi dan keunggulan program studi yang sesuai dengan tuntutan zaman. Secara khusus, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikannya merasa penting menganggapi revolusi industri 4.0. Ada panggilan yang kuat untuk menyiapkan diri menghadapi era tersebut.
Seminar on Translation
Seminar on Translation is an annual conference held to disseminate and share thoughts, ideas, and research on translation.
South East Asia Design Research (SEA-DR) International Conference
South East Asia Design Research (SEA-DR) International Conference is an international conference concerned primarily with educational design research situated in a South East Asia perspective or in a South East Asia context. The conference also opens the possibility of discussion in other educational studies from broader perspective and context. The conference aims to enhance theory, research, and practice in educational design research through the academic communication.