Language and Language Teaching Conference 2021

Virtual -- Sanata Dharma University

September 17, 2021 – September 18, 2021

Welcome to LLTC 2021, Virtual, Sanata Dharma University

Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Friday-Saturday, 17-18 September 2021

The Language and Language Teaching Conference (LLTC) is organized annually by the English Language Education Study Programme of Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

As educators, we are currently facing major shifts in the way we facilitate learning. However, we always thrive to be relevant to this era, especially during this unprecedented time.

We the organizing committee warmly inviting you to participate in LLTC 2021. Our main theme is: Post-Covid 19: Language Learning-Teaching, Linguistics and Literature in Local and Universal Contexts


1. Current and future language learning-teaching: What, why and how

2. Language learning, linguistics and literature: Diverging or converging

3. Local and universal literature in (English) language learning

4. ELT in MBKM (Freedom of Learning Curriculum)



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The International Conference on Sustainable Natural Products in Healthcare is held by the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Sanata Dharma, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.