Presentations and Authors

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The Impact of Backward Design and Personalized Learning on Elementary Students' Basic Arithmetic Skills
Heni - Astuti
The Analysis of Stocks-Portfolio Indexed by SRI-KEHATI using K-Means Clustering and Mean Absolute Deviation
Evy Sulistianingsih, Shantika Martha, Wirda Andani, Rifki Febriyandi, Hendri Agustono
Spatial-temporal analysis of forest fires using a grid of sites and short periods in the GSTAR model
Nurainul Miftahul Huda, Yeftanus Antonio, Nurfitri Imro'ah
Moh Affaf
Price Estimation Comparison of Asian Call Options Using Standard Monte Carlo and Control Variate Method
Risky Gunawan, Evy Sulistianingsih, Shantika Martha, Wirda Andani
Exploring Students' Difficulties in Solving Mathematics Problems: High Order Thinking Problems
Dian Novi Ambarwati, Rahma Febriyanti, Rayinda Aseti Prafianti, Novitasari Novitasari
Development of an Epidemiological Model with Transmission Matrix to Understand the Dynamics of Tuberculosis Spread
Meliana Pasaribu, Fransiskus Fran, Helmi Helmi, Angela Nadya Putri Ditya, Alexander Alexander, Tegar Rama Priyatna
Some Generalizations of Cyclic Codes over The Ring B_(2,q) - A Survey
Ricky Aditya
The Relationship Between Mathematical Thinking and Resilience in Number Sequence Lessons Through Ethnomathematics Among Preservice Primary School Teachers
Christiyanti Aprinastuti, Maria Agustina Amelia
The Application of XGBoost Model with Bayesian Hyperparameter Tuning for the Quality Optimization of Brewed Coffee Flavour
Hartono Hartono, Ignatius Aris Dwiatmoko, Cyprianus Kuntoro Adi

Full Paper

Learning Design of Tube Using Realistic Mathematics Education Assisted by GeoGebra
Inaroh Ghoisani Amahsyah, Sunu Paramarta, Rizqiya Aizzatul Khusniyah, Nabila Aiman Rizky, Farida Nursyahidah

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