The Impact of Backward Design and Personalized Learning on Elementary Students' Basic Arithmetic Skills | |
Heni - Astuti |
The Analysis of Stocks-Portfolio Indexed by SRI-KEHATI using K-Means Clustering and Mean Absolute Deviation | |
Evy Sulistianingsih, Shantika Martha, Wirda Andani, Rifki Febriyandi, Hendri Agustono |
Spatial-temporal analysis of forest fires using a grid of sites and short periods in the GSTAR model | |
Nurainul Miftahul Huda, Yeftanus Antonio, Nurfitri Imro'ah |
Moh Affaf |
Price Estimation Comparison of Asian Call Options Using Standard Monte Carlo and Control Variate Method | |
Risky Gunawan, Evy Sulistianingsih, Shantika Martha, Wirda Andani |
Exploring Students' Difficulties in Solving Mathematics Problems: High Order Thinking Problems | |
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Development of an Epidemiological Model with Transmission Matrix to Understand the Dynamics of Tuberculosis Spread | |
Meliana Pasaribu, Fransiskus Fran, Helmi Helmi, Angela Nadya Putri Ditya, Alexander Alexander, Tegar Rama Priyatna |
Some Generalizations of Cyclic Codes over The Ring B_(2,q) - A Survey | |
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The Relationship Between Mathematical Thinking and Resilience in Number Sequence Lessons Through Ethnomathematics Among Preservice Primary School Teachers | |
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The Application of XGBoost Model with Bayesian Hyperparameter Tuning for the Quality Optimization of Brewed Coffee Flavour | |
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Full Paper
Learning Design of Tube Using Realistic Mathematics Education Assisted by GeoGebra | |
Inaroh Ghoisani Amahsyah, Sunu Paramarta, Rizqiya Aizzatul Khusniyah, Nabila Aiman Rizky, Farida Nursyahidah |

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