
Abstract (must use the template):

Undergraduate students who are interested to be presenters are welcome to submit their abstract, consisting 100-150 words and 3-6 keywords, through the  UC website. The abstract submission deadline is ... [19 March 2021] and the decision regarding the acceptance will be notified on .... March 2021 at the latest.

Abstract submission must be uploaded onto the OCS of UC ....


Full Paper (mus use the template):

As soon as the acceptance decision is notified, the author is required to submit the full paper consisting 3000-10,000 words. The full paper deadline is .... 2021. The selected authors are required to present their papers on ... 2021 in the form of presentation. The presentation file is submitted on ... 2021 at the latest.


The main theme of UC 2021 is Learning English in The Modern Era (to be updated).

Topic Areas:

  • Cultural Issues in Language Learning
  • Language in Broadcasting and Advertising
  • Stylistic Features of English Language
  • Literary Features in English Language
  • Modern Literary Works in EFL classes
  • Traditional Works in EFL classes
  • Influence of Internet on Language Development
  • Educational Applications in Language Learning
  • Online Learning Platform Assessment
  • Approaches, Methods and Techniques in Today’s Language Learning
  • Implementation of National or International Curriculum at Schools
  • Other Related Subthemes

Other topics relevant to the theme are considered.

Literary Studies Conference is hosted by English Letters Department & Graduate Program in English Language Studies, Universitas Sanata Dharma, Indonesia, in cooperation with Ateneo de Manila University, the Philippines.

supported by   *** Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.