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The Use of English Digilect by Speaking Club Members on a Messenger Group
Eka Septian Yunistya

Last modified: 2023-06-25


Language development is influenced by several factors, one of them is technological development. The sophisticated technology has forced people to leave the traditional way of talking into limitless communication using social media. Hence, the aim of this research is to analyze the types and meanings of language features used in social media which is called digital dialect (digilect) and to understand the communication purposes of digilect. The research was conducted on a messenger group called Speaking Club. 24 members of the group were involved during the observation. To process the data, discourse analysis was the methodology of this research and there were two data collection techniques employed during the data gathering which were observation and interview. These data resulted in two different empirical answers. The observation showed types of digilect used by users; writing and visual form 50% and 45% respectively with different meanings. Meanwhile, the interview data explained the users’ communication purposes which are to express emotions, keep track of the modern era, make the conversation more engaging, interact with each other, and keep up with the pace of online communication which is fast and themed.

Keywords: communication, digilect, discourse analysis, neologism, social media