USD Conference Systems, Seminar Nasional Filsafat 2024

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A Faith that Favours Fraternity in Diversity, Based on the Idea of Inclusive-Pluralism of Jacques Dupuis
Yovendi Koli, Martinus Joko Lelono

Last modified: 2024-10-11


During his visit from 3 to 6 September 2024, Pope Francis expressed appreciation for the religious diversity in Indonesia. Nevertheless, he expresses the hope that the Indonesian people will continue to develop their faith, sense of brotherhood, and compassion. This hope was met with a multitude of favourable responses. One such discourse is that which is currently being circulated in grassroots communities, which states, "We are not brothers in faith, but we are brothers in humanity." Nevertheless, the question remains whether this implies that humanity is completely detached from faith. The question thus arises as to whether the desire for human brotherhood is supported by faith even more solidly. This article will examine this question based on the pluralism-inclusive thought of Jacques Dupuis. Dupuis' thought can be used as an analytical tool because it opens up the possibility for Christianity to view the brotherhood of humanity with the dimension of faith. This study uses the library research method.


Faith, Human Brotherhood, Inclusive-Pluralism, Jacques Dupuis, Religious Diversity.