USD Conference Systems, Seminar Nasional Filsafat 2024

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The Role of the Family in Fostering Concern for Environmental Conservation based on Laudato Si
Siapril Purba, Carolus Borromeus Mulyatno, Ashwin Joseph

Last modified: 2024-10-14


Human responsibility for the environment is starting to be forgotten because of bad living habits. As a result, the environment is increasingly concerned about natural disasters. Humans lose orientation in protecting the environment. So in this research, the author wants to explore the role of the family in realizing concern for the environment. The author uses the Encyclical Laudato Si as the direction and goal to realize the conversion through family behavior. The method used by the author is literature study. The author focuses on the role of the family and the inspiration of Pope Francis based on the encyclical Laudato Si. Through this writing, families can understand their role towards the environment. Because the environment is an integral part of human life in everyday life. This is a form of ecological conversion as well as an expression of human gratitude for God's grace.


Environment, Family, Ecological Conversion, Laudato Si