USD Conference Systems, Seminar Nasional Filsafat 2024

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The Value of Sanctions as a Stimulus According to Amoris Laetitia and its Application for The Education of Designate Priests at The Saint Dominic Minor Seminary, Larantuka.
Arkadius Mite

Last modified: 2024-10-14


This article deals with the stimulus value sanction model according to Pope Francis' encyclical, Amoris Laetitia and its application to the education of designate priests. Education is a quality of self formed from knowledge, skills and attitudes. Education includes all elements integrated in the educator and the educated. Knowledge as cognitive power, skills as creative power, and attitudes as affective power form self-quality. Self-quality is formed from the values ​​obtained. One of the values ​​of self-quality formation is the stimulus value. The stimulation process as a sanction value from the consequences of choice. This sanction value of the consequences of choice is applied at the Saint Dominic minor seminary Hokeng, Larantuka. Therefore, this study is a qualitative study by distributing paper-based questionnaires to 232 prospective priests from grades X to XII. This study aims to find the right stimulation model for the education of designate priests based on the encyclical Amoris Laetitia


Education, Self-Quality, Sanction Value, Designate Priests, Amoris Laetitia