USD Conference Systems, Seminar Nasional Filsafat 2024

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The Impacts of Pastoral Services for The Sick at Saint Peter’s Panjang Station Bandar Lampung
Veronika Setya Atmaja, Bernardus Agus Rukiyanto

Last modified: 2024-10-14


The research titled "The Impacts of Pastoral Services for the Sick at Saint Peter's Panjang Station Bandar Lampung". This research began by looking at the Church’s compassionate and empathetic efforts towards the sick and suffering people through pastoral care for the sick to support their survival and fortify their faith in God. This pastoral care involves entrusting pastoral caregivers to accompany and assist the sick in reconciling their crisis. At Saint Peter's Panjang Station, pastoral caregivers lack specialized training for tending to the sick. This inadequacy has prompted the author's concern and inquiry about the reasons and purposes of pastoral caregivers for the sick in their service to be ready and wholeheartedly serve. Furthermore, the author seeks to comprehend the impacts of pastoral services for the sick at Saint Peter's Panjang Station. To achieve that, the author employed qualitative research methods, utilizing interviews for data collection with 4 pastoral caregivers for the sick, 3 sick individuals and 3 family members responsible for their care. As per the interview findings, in caring for the sick, the pastoral caregivers are driven by concern and compassion for the sick to recover. They view this as a demonstration of care for their fellow believers who provide attention and solace to aid their recovery. Pastoral services for the sick positively impact the sick and families who care for them. The sick and their families derive joy, get comfort, they are accompanied, greeted and cared and strengthened so that they have hope of recovery.


Pastoral Services for The Sick, Pastoral Caregivers, The Impacts of Pastoral Services for The Sick